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Dust fuels in industry
Dust fuels for cement sintering furnaces

002.EN.Broschure. Coal dust -Fuel for Industrie 2017.pdf

009.EN.Broschure. Coal Dust Firing Units for Cement Production

production of slag-cement from granulated slag

Combustion of high-ash and wet fuels, coal sludge, waste

007.RU.Brochure.Combustion of high ash coal products

008.RU.Broshura.Energetic-technological use of coal. Obtaining semi-coke in a fluidised bed

metallurgical furnaces, copper smelting, lead smelting, slagging

Coal fired pulverised fuel preparation plants, wood dust preparation plants for industrial plants: asphalt plants, cement clinker production plants, metallurgical and chemical plants, building material production and other technologies.

515. Book. Recommendations for the design of safe coal drying plants. 2021

Pneumatic conveying, storage, dosing of powders and granulates